Windsor Waste Management is launching the new 200 litre Hazibag in the UK following arrival of the first shipment earlier this month.
The highly anticipated new bags provide a convenient, cost effective and compliant alternative to drums for smaller quantities of solid hazardous waste. Weighing only 1.2kg, the bags take up little storage space when empty so can be kept onsite and used immediately. Customers have been awaiting the new bags since WWM announced the forthcoming launch late last year.
Paul Wood, Sales Manager, Hazibag UK says: “We are very pleased to be launching the 200 litre bags, particularly after the high level of interest we have experienced across the asbestos and construction industries amongst others. These bags make it easier for producers of small amounts of hazardous waste to store and transport these materials safely and legally. We believe they will be hugely popular for a range of wastes including asbestos, paint tins and oily rags”.
Hazibags are UN approved for the safe containment and transportation of Packing Groups II and III solid hazardous waste materials. The flexible intermediate bulk containers come in a variety of sizes and were developed to overcome the limitations of drums and IBCs, cutting transport costs and emissions whilst saving space on deliveries and in storage. WWM launched the Hazibag in January last year, after being awarded the exclusive licence for the product in the UK, and provides a national collection service for the full range.